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Sunbringer by Hannah KanerBook: 'Sunbringer'. Cover image.

(Fallen Gods, 2)

384 Pages


Formats available: Coming soon as physical copy, Libby eBook, Libby eAudiobook


When Middren falls to the gods, your kind will be the first to die.

Gods are forbidden in the kingdom of Middren—but now they are stirring, whispering of war. Godkiller Kissen sacrificed herself to vanquish the fire god Hseth, who murdered her family and endangered her friends. But gods cannot be destroyed so easily, and Hseth’s power threatens to reform with even greater strength and a thirst for vengeance. As tensions rise throughout the land, the kingdom needs its Godkiller more than ever.

Still reeling from the loss of Kissen, young noble Inara and her little god of white lies, Skedi, have set out to discover more about the true nature of their bond. As the divide between gods and humans widens, Inara and Skedi will uncover secrets that could determine the fate of the war to come.

Meanwhile, Elogast, no longer a loyal knight of King Arren, has been tasked with killing the man he once called friend. The king vowed to eradicate all gods throughout the land, but has now entered into an unholy pact with the most dangerous of them all. And where his heart once beat, a god now burns. . .


Hannah Kaner delivered HARD with this sequel to Godkiller. I really loved the first book and the beautiful journey of discovery it went on; I also really enjoyed how Godkiller ramped up at the end and gave us a literal cliffhanger. When I was gifted Sunbringer, I wasn't sure where things would take off, what I didn't realize is that the plot would absolutely shoot forward at break neck speeds from the previous book when everything seemed cruelly "over." I was immediately dragged under the emotional current, and that current never stopped bashing me against the rocks and teasing me for breath. Kaner never lets up, and I am so glad for that. The pacing throughout was perfect and just what we needed after the previously long journey. As an audience I was appreciative for a deeper look into our main characters. We get to see more of who they are and how they change. The amazing thing about each person in this book is how well Kaner writes them to be so human, emphasis on the human. Humanity is such a frail, yet powerful, thing, and as the audience I was able to also experience betrayal and hurt based on the choices that some of my favorite characters made. Sunbringer is depth, warmth, and growth. Sunbringer is also shadow, pain, and loss. I was so slow in reading this book because I knew that once it was done and put away that I wouldn't get to see these characters for a while. This is absolutely more than a 5 star for me because I had to savor it like a fine meal: like every bit was my last bite. I will be jumping all over what Hannah has in store for us next. This was excellence. 

We want to send a very special thank you to Hannah Kaner (@hanfrankan, Jessica Lyons, and the crew over at Avon and Harper Voyager (@harpervoyagerus sending us eARC and beautiful finished copies of Sunbringer to review!

For more book recommendations please tune in to Off the Books with B&S Podcast on any of your podcasting platforms; new episodes air every other Thursday.
