Electronic Device Checkout
Devices you can checkout
Mobile Hotspot

A Wi-Fi hotspot is a device that allows you to connect your mobile enabled devices (e.g. laptop, smartphones, tablets, etc.) to the Internet. The hotspot is portable so you can connect your device almost wherever you go* (for example: home, on the bus, in the park, etc.)

Playaways are pre-loaded audiobooks that give you the portability and freedom to listen to audiobooks anytime, anywhere.
Laundpad tablets are pre-loaded with content for kids. No need for Wi-Fi to access any of the content.
Flip-Pal Scanner

The Flip-Pal mobile scanner is an indispensable tool that allows us to effortlessly and safely scan precious photos, important documents, fragile records of personal and family history, detailed coins, jewelry, medals, hand-drawn art, and other keepsakes.

VOX™ Books combine outstanding picture books and non-fiction with audio recordings that capture children’s attention and make learning and literacy development fun.
Video Tablet
Launchpad video tablets offer digital collections of learning videos, movies, and TV shows for kids.
*Electronic Devices may only be checked out by patrons who are 18 years of age or older and who have a valid personal library card. Patrons must have an account in good standing.
Patrons must have a signed Electronic Device Loan Agreement on File. A Valid picture ID is required when the agreement is signed.
Wi-Fi Hotspots may be checked out for one week and may be renewed up to two times, provided there are no existing holds on the item.
Patrons may not have more than one device of each type checked out at one time.
Patrons who check out electronic devices are responsible for any use, authorized or not, during the period the device is checked out. Electronic devices must be handled cautiously and kept away from liquids.
If, for any reason, a library-owned electronic device is not returned:
- The electronic device will be suspended from use the day after the due date
- Seven days after the due date, the item will be billed
- When the item is billed, it will be remotely locked or deactivated and information will be wiped from the device
Electronic devices must be returned in the condition in which they were borrowed with all cords and accessories. If an electronic device and/or any of the accessories are returned damaged or missing, the patron will be charged a replacement fee for those items.
Electronic devices must be returned to a Reference or Computer Lab staff member. They should not be left at an unattended desk.
Electronic devices lent to patrons which are to be kept in the library must be returned to a Reference or Computer Lab staff member within the loan period.
Electronic devices may not be returned in the drop box. If an electronic device is returned in the drop box, the patron’s account will be billed $25.If any of the items are found to be damaged, the patron’s account will also be billed for each damaged item, up to the full price of the electronic device and accessories.
Any apps, eBooks, music, videos, or other media purchased for the electronic device will not be reimbursed by the Library and shall be deleted upon the return of the electronic device.
Patrons may not alter the security settings of electronic devices. This includes adding a passcode to the device. Should a device be returned with a passcode added to the device, the patron will be charged a $25 fee.
Patrons who do not abide by any of the above stipulations may have their electronic device borrowing privileges revoked for a period of up to one year