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Church Records
The Howard County Churches collection is composed of various church records submitted to the Genealogy & Local History Department at the Kokomo-Howard County Public Library in Kokomo, Indiana. Most of the records were borrowed, digitized, and returned, allowing the original records to remain in the owner’s possession.

Continental Steel Files
The Continental Steel Files is simply the repository of materials supplied by the U. S. Department of Environmental Agency and the Indiana Department of Environmental Management, made available for public review and research at the public library. A basic index of materials is available as a finding aid to the collection.

Court Records
Several Howard County Court Record Books dating back to 1844 were microfilmed in 2005 and generated 74 rolls of microfilm which are available at the Kokomo-Howard County Public Library in the Genealogy & Local History Department. Library staff and volunteers are creating NAMES indexes for each roll of film in order to make the records more accessible to the public. The NAMES indexes for the Court Records collection is an ongoing project for staff and volunteers of the Kokomo-Howard County Public Library. Records will be made available on this site as time permits.

Database of Canal Land Entries
The combined database is a listing of land in Howard County sold as "canal lands" by the State of Indiana with the names of the original landowners or patentees. These lands were in the Seven Mile Strip, a portion of the Big Miami Reserve, and contained approximately seventy-five square miles, which later became Ervin, Monroe, and Honey Creek townships.

Howard County Civil War
This collection is a partnership between the Kokomo-Howard County Public Library and The Howard County Historical Society. Howard County has a rich history of community military involvement in the Civil War. Regiments were raised, patriotism was high and the community rallied around the boys. Several prominent members of the community stepped up to raise the requested number of enlistments. Records show that in the 16-35 age range, Howard County led the state in percentage of recruits to the general population. These officers and enlisted men left proof of their experiences in the form of enlistment records, pension records, muster rolls, letters, etc. This project is made possible by a grant from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services, administered by the Indiana State Library.

Howard County Extension Homemakers
We believe in the present and its opportunities, in the future and its promises, in everything that makes life large and lovely, in the divine joy of living and helping others; and so we endeavor to pass on to others that which has benefited us, striving to go onward and upward, reaching the pinnacle of economic perfection, in improving, enlarging and endearing the greatest institution in the world, the home.

Howard County Yearbooks
In 2002, the Kokomo-Howard County Public Library, the Greentown Public Library, and the Howard County Historical Society formed the Howard County Digitization Consortium. Sharing a common interest in preserving local historical materials and making them available to as many people as possible, the consortium supported the digitization of unique local print resources in the spirit of the American Memory Project created by the Library of Congress.

Kokomo Civic Theatre
The Kokomo Civic Theatre collection is composed of two collections: Scanned copies of each playbill available from every production, and scrapbook memorabilia collected over the years by members of the Kokomo Civic Theatre organization. Most of the records were borrowed, digitized, and returned, allowing the original records to remain in the owner’s possession. This season marks the Kokomo Civic Theatre’s 65th season of existence, and we wanted to make sure their legacy was captured and preserved for the community they have so wonderfully served.

Long Term Lovers
In February, 2001, the Genealogy & Local History Department at the Kokomo-Howard County Public Library wanted to celebrate long term marriages in Howard County. The invitation was issued for people to submit photos and brief information about each couple. A photo display was created in the library for the initial group who participated.

Naturalization Records
Three Naturalization Service PETITION AND RECORD books covering 1918-1929 were recently discovered at the Howard County Court House. Before the three volumes were sent to the Indiana State Archives, Marcia Ford head of the Genealogy & Local History Department at the Kokomo-Howard County Public Library visited the Court House and captured each page using a digital camera; the images were then uploaded into the Howard County Memory Project.

Poor Farm Residents 1860-1930
The county institution presently known as the Howard County Home has its origins in 1857, when county commissioners Willis Blanche, Harvey Brown and B.W. Gifford, looking for a facility to serve as a "permanent home for the helpless and unfortunate poor who must be cared for at public expense,"

Ryan White
The Ryan White Files is a collection of news articles that have been clipped and saved in the Genealogy & Local History Department at the Kokomo-Howard County Public Library in Kokomo, Indiana.The actual newspaper clippings are beginning to deteriorate and with the often high demand of requests to photocopy the articles, it was decided that this collection should be digitized and made available for public access on both the Internet and on CDs.

WW1 Military Discharge Index
The originals of these documents are located in the Howard County Recorder's Office; photocopies of the volumes are in the GLHD collection. The upper part of the forms used in volume 1 contains information copied from the soldier's official discharge papers, including his service record and a physical description.