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Family and Local History

9:00 a.m.- 8:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.

Main & South

Mon - Thu:
Fri & Sat:
9:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m.-5:30 p.m.


Mon, Tue, Thu:
Fri & Sat:
9:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m.-5:30 p.m.

Hours Today

Genealogy and Local History

The Genealogy & Local History Department (GLHD) is located on the lower level of Kokomo-Howard County Public Library (KHCPL) Main, 220 N. Union St. It is accessible by using the elevator or either stairway. The department specializes in materials and resources to assist family and local history researchers; staff are available for guidance.

Resources of the Genealogy and Local History Department include microfilm, vertical files, periodicals, maps, and over 13,758 books including over 575 family histories. Collection emphasis is on Indiana's 92 counties, particularly Howard County and the adjacent counties of Carroll, Cass, Clinton, Grant, Tipton, and Miami. Research materials for states from which settlers migrated to Indiana and many general genealogy reference resources are available as well. Please note that materials in Genealogy & Local History DO NOT circulate.

Howard County Memory Project

Howard County Memory Project Logo

Establishment of the digital initiatives within the department resulted from interest in preserving fragile materials, improving access to special collections, and making local resources available to remote users.

In the summer of 2002, a Library Services Technology Act grant was secured to digitize all available Howard County Indiana high school yearbooks from 1901 through 1950. The project was a huge success, and today over 180 yearbooks through 1977, numbering over 25,000 images, are available online. Within the recently refurbished website, additional items digitized especially for genealogy and local history researchers can be found, including early Howard County marriage records, funeral notices, maps, newspapers, and indexes of items available in the department. Items are continuously being added.

Be sure to visit the site at

What We Have

  • Over 13,500 books, with emphasis on northcentral Indiana and migration routes into the state from the east and upper south.
  • Local newspaper obituaries are copied and bound by year, and are available for quick reference.
  • Special collections such as: Passenger and immigration materials, Quaker, Native American, African American, British Isles, German genealogy and Indiana county atlases, as well as an outstanding collection of Civil War books
  • Approximately 600 cataloged family histories.
  • Periodicals of local, county, state, and general genealogy interest are available.
  • Pamphlets and clippings complement our collection with topics of local historical and genealogical interest, including business and industry, organizations, churches, local architecture, and surname files.
  • Three computers with Internet access are available for patron use and WiFi is available for personal laptop use.
  • Microfilm collection includes censuses for Indiana and local newspapers. Two ScanPro microfilm reader/printer machines and several old style microfilm readers are available
  • As a cooperating partner with the Family History Library in Salt Lake City, the department can provide access to more than 2.4 million rolls of microfilmed genealogical and historical records for a small handling fee per roll of film requested.
  • Instruction on genealogy or history search methods are offered periodically. Please see the events calendar for information.


Staffing resources do not allow in-depth research; however, queries are accepted and will be billed $6 per half an hour research fee, plus 10 cents per page copied. Queries may be sent by mail, or by email to Please include your name and contact information.

Patron Guidelines

  • All patrons are asked to register upon entering the department; children under the age of 12 must be accompanied by a responsible adult.
  • Genealogy materials do not circulate and must be used in the department. The library reserves the right to inspect patron’s bags and briefcases upon leaving.
  • After use, please place books on the shelving cart and microfilms on top of the microfilm cabinets. Patrons are asked not to reshelve materials.
  • On-site copy costs: letter or legal size black and white copies and printouts are 10 cents each, color printouts are 25 cents each, and ledger size copies are 20 cents each. Please ask for assistance in using printers or copiers to avoid paying for copies you do not want.
  • Laptop computers, portable scanners, and digital cameras may be used in the department.
  • A variety of genealogical forms and charts are available at the reference desk for a nominal fee.
  • Please refrain from bringing food and drinks into the department. Many materials cannot be replaced.
  • Patrons are expected to abide by library behaviorial rules.


The department accepts donations of money and materials that fall within the library’s collection development policy. The department also has a number of in-house and remote volunteer positions. Inquiries are welcome.


Be sure to visit the department blog. It promotes genealogical events and highlights breaking news in the field of genealogy.

Location, Hours & Phone Number
220 N Union St
Kokomo, IN 46901
Phone: 765.626.0839
Fax: 765.454.4707